Day 1-1: This class is about POWER Monday, Jan 26th
Objective: Leave today about to explain to anyone who asks, what your new Active Citizenship class is about.
Day 1-2: Psychology 101 Thursday, Jan 29th
Objective: Leave today able to define psychology and explain how it forms the basis for this course.
Disneyland Story
DUGI on 1-1 and introduction of AC Level Questions.
Collect DUGI on 1-1 ____________
Psychology 101 Demos and PowerPoint
Collect Psychology 101 PowerPoint Notes __________
Day 1-3: WHS is here for you Friday, Jan 30th
Objective: Leave today able to state and explain the purpose of the WHS Mission statement.
DUGI on 1-2
Collect DUGI on 1-2 ____________
Money and Happiness PowerPoint
Career earnings and Cost of Living Demo
Collect Money and Happiness PowerPoint Notes __________
Objective: Leave today about to explain to anyone who asks, what your new Active Citizenship class is about.
- Agenda:
- Hitler Story
- Class introduction PowerPoint
- Power Dynamics Analysis: Eric Garner and ‘United Against Racism’ Protesters
- Collected Class Introduction PowerPoint Notes __________
- HW: Complete the Getting to Know you Sheet
Day 1-2: Psychology 101 Thursday, Jan 29th
Objective: Leave today able to define psychology and explain how it forms the basis for this course.
Disneyland Story
DUGI on 1-1 and introduction of AC Level Questions.
Collect DUGI on 1-1 ____________
Psychology 101 Demos and PowerPoint
Collect Psychology 101 PowerPoint Notes __________
Day 1-3: WHS is here for you Friday, Jan 30th
Objective: Leave today able to state and explain the purpose of the WHS Mission statement.
DUGI on 1-2
Collect DUGI on 1-2 ____________
Money and Happiness PowerPoint
Career earnings and Cost of Living Demo
Collect Money and Happiness PowerPoint Notes __________