Unit 9: Development - AP Psychology Syllabus and Calendar
Unit 9 Vocab Sheet
Essential Task 9-1
Essential Task: Detail how psychologists study development including longitudinal studies, cross-sectional
studies, and autobiographical studies.
Essential Task 9-2
Essential Task: Explain the process of conception, gestation (zygote, embryo, and fetus), factors that
influence fetal development (teratogens and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome), and the maturation
of motor skills.
Essential Task 9-3
Essential Task: . Explain the maturation of cognitive abilities according to Piaget with specific attention to
object permanence in the sensorimotor stage, magical thinking, theory of mind, and the lack
of conservation and reversible thinking in the preoperational stage, overcoming the
limitations of the preoperational stage in the concrete operational stage, and the
development of abstract reasoning in the formal operational stage.
Essential Task 9-4
Essential Task: Explain the maturation of cognitive abilities according to Vygotsky with specific attention
to zones of proximal development and compare this viewpoint to Piaget.
Essential Task 9-5
Essential Task: Explain Erikson's social development paying specific attention to the crisis in each stage
and the virtue gained from each stage.
Essential Task 9-6
Essential Task: Describe the influence of temperament, attachment, and parenting styles (permissive
indulgence, permissive indifferent, authoritarian, authoritative)
Essential Task 9-7
Essential Task: Compare and contrast Kohlberg and Gilligan’s models of moral development.
Essential Task 9-8
Essential Task: Discuss maturational challenges in adolescence and the formation of identity (foreclosure,
diffusion and moratorium).
Essential Task 9-9 |
Essential Task: Predict the physical and cognitive changes that emerge as people age.
Essential Task 9-10
Essential Questions: - How do humans develop a sexual orientation and gender identity in today's society? - What impact does this process have on the self and our society?